Ashes of outland card analyses part 1 hearthstone s first expansion of the 2020 standard year is releasing soon, so shacknews begins analyzing the full ashes of outland set. Please remindmsg anyone you know who has collected or liked this thing before to collectlike it again. Top 10 best hearthstone standard decks that wreck hard. Check out our witchwood hub for more details about hearthstone s latest expansion. Like 2 collect 1 views 341 description book of specters from the witchwood expansion of hearthstone. So every mage i play against is opting for the conjurer mage tier 3 deck. The secret sauce for this deck comes from two key cards. Share a deck with the out of cards community by using our deckbuilder, updated for galakronds awakening. Hearthstone expansion book of specters designed by nightangel. Fireball and water elemental are always a great pick if you are playing mage. Even drawing two minions and discarding a spell is above average for 2 mana. A new edition to mages gameplay in arena is a pyromaniac. The wording of book of specters is discard any spells drawn. Hearthstone wild meta snapshot march 2020 team rankstar.
There is also another use of the card that is easy to overlook, which is to get to frost lich jaina more rapidly in control decks. The bomb dealt its damage but i did not draw my 2 additional cards like i should have. Book of specters from the witchwood expansion of hearthstone. Overgrowth is a solid ramp spell to help jade druid reach the high end of the deck, working alongside jade blossom and biology project to quickly hit large amounts of mana.
It will present playstyle strategies, discuss different variants of. Specters definition of specters by the free dictionary. Here is a look at some useful tips that can help you in arena. Even more, card that being drawn by scroll isnt subject to discard rules. However, you should sub minion count with nonspell count.
Book of specters mage theory craft hearthstone decks. Book of specters mage recipes book of specters last updated 11 months ago. Youll want to get your board full of murlocs as fast as possible by using book of. Book of specters is a 2 mana cost epic mage spell card from the the witchwood set. Wanting to overwhelm opponents, this decks awesome drawing capabilities, from cards like book of specters and aluneth, paired with the likes of archmage arugal, help to keep constant pressure on the battlefield, all while setting up for a murloc warleader or gentle megasaur to end the game. Highlander mage mage deck, played by thjis in hearthstone, saviors of uldum.
Now my crowd roaster is not playable, and its also not glowing yellow even though i am holding another dragon and have adequate mana. Too many times have i seen my opponent use book of specters and lose two or three. Massive card draw for the early game that should get you towards playing a mountain giant or healthy twilight drake as fast as possible 2. How to use the meta snapshot this tier list shows the best decks to play in ranked mode to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing the ladder. I get the idea behind it, cheating out big guys like mountain giant and getting big twilight drakes out there. Apr 15, 2020 fungal fortune is the a new draw spell druid received, which functions as the opposite of the mage card book of specters, discarding any minions drawn instead of spells. The previous upload was taken down accidentally by thingiverse, so here are the stl files again. Best mage decks hearthstone top deck list dot esports. Magic trick is the latest card revealed for hearthstones rise of shadows expansion. Minion mage deck list guide the witchwood hearthstone. With so many cards in hearthstone, it can be hard to decide which the strongest decks are. Well the book pushes more towards the ghost of a chance line in sc2 than the specters. Lemoine explores just how far a fighter pilot will go to save the ones he loves.
So i was in a heated match with a bomb warrior and near the end of the game i cast a book of specters which drew a crowd roaster and a bomb. But when it draws scroll of wonder, it activates before being discarded. Book of specters the witchwood hearthstone cards out of cards. Even though a mage is by all standards spellcasting class, in arena where minions are. If you compare the book to arcane intellect, a very commonly played card, then you can see that even drawing two cards is a big deal. The card is strongest when run in a deck with mostly minions, allowing you to draw three cards far more consistently. The problem with this card is that mages main power lies in its spells, and so getting book of specters to be consistently. There has also been much discussion about whether to run research project or book of specters. Cal spectre martin is out of the military, but that doesnt mean hes out from behind enemy lines. Fungal fortune is the a new draw spell druid received, which functions as the opposite of the mage card book of specters, discarding any minions drawn instead of spells. Though it seems counterintuitive to run book in a deck with so much spellbased synergy, the truth is that much of the deck consists of minions. Book of specters is a 2 cost epic card from the set the witchwood. Now my crowd roaster is not playable, and its also not glowing yellow even though i am holding another dragon and have adequate mana as you can see here i am unable.
I was playing my new homebrew elemental hand mage against a bomb rogue. Just making a pretty fun deck idea before the expansion please share your thoughts on it. Which is the reason why i gave it 4 stars instead of 5. Magic trick is the latest card revealed for hearthstones. The book of specters costs 2 mana and makes you draw 3 cards. The explanation section gives a general explanation of the archetype as a whole. Nalunk garantaltan nem maradsz le semmirol sem, es itt mindent megtalalsz errol a gyorsiramu strategiai kartyajatekrol, a hearthstonerol hirek, pakli keszito, arena ertekek, teljes kartya adatbazis, es meg tobb funkcio regisztracio utan. Mar 30, 2019 magic trick is the latest card revealed for hearthstones rise of shadows expansion. These are the cards you want to see in your opening hand to get off to the best start. Supports are needed for the book part to support the top cover page msg me if you have any questions. Does book of specters discard a spell if it was drawn by the casts when drawn effect of bomb it drew. After he played seaforium bomber i played book of specters and drew in this order bomb, fireball, voodoo doll and fireball again. The card is strongest when run in a deck with mostly minions, allowing you to draw three cards. This presents an interesting deck building challenge.
Minion mage is a new hearthstone archetype that many people believe will end up playing a pretty big part in the upcoming witchwood meta. Supports are needed for the book part to support the top cover page. Check out this elemental mage ranked hearthstone deckfor the rise of shadows expansion. But i have seen book of specters lose the game for people the turn they play it. Apr 15, 2018 witchwood standard elemental mage vs shaman buy kibler merch. Book of specters has niche uses in constructed play in decks such as murloc mage and elemental mage, where the card draw is almost always better value than using arcane intellect and the decks run out of cards quickly. Check out our witchwood hub for more details about hearthstones latest expansion. Improves the summoning effects in this deck to provide some bonkers value and is why the deck is back in favour. Jun 27, 2018 wanting to overwhelm opponents, this decks awesome drawing capabilities, from cards like book of specters and aluneth, paired with the likes of archmage arugal, help to keep constant pressure on the battlefield, all while setting up for a murloc warleader or gentle megasaur to end the game. Book of specters gives some of the best value in the game when it draws three cards. Book of specters mage is the class of spells, but book of specters wants you to play mostly with minions. Top 5 coolest hearthstone cards from witchwood cantrip. Share a deck with the out of cards community by using our deckbuilder. If yes, thats the real inconsistency as the spell would be drawn by the bomb, not book of specters, so it shouldnt have been discarded.
Learn how to best use book of specters in constructedranked and arena games. Or, invertedly, ask specifically the submission of spell count instead. Book of specters 2 mana epic mage spell statistics and decks. Ashes of outland card analyses part 1 hearthstones first expansion of the 2020 standard year is releasing soon, so shacknews begins analyzing the full ashes of outland set.
You dont need to cut all spells from your deck to run book of specters. Witchwood standard elemental mage vs shaman 0 buy kibler merch. Mage recipes book of specters rise of shadows hearthstone. Especially with how obnoxious the bomb warrior archetype is.
Flavor text known throughout the land as the spookynomicon. And for an update on hearthstone esports from the team at blizzard. Book of specters the witchwood hearthstone cards out. Book of specters is a 2 mana cost epic mage spell card from the the witchwood set card text. Remember how good book of specters and archmage arugal looked. I didnt realize even the first card has been discarded. Specters synonyms, specters pronunciation, specters translation, english dictionary definition of specters.
Too many times have i seen my opponent use book of specters. Heroes of warcraft on the pc, a gamefaqs message board topic titled new mage spell book of specters. You could take the risk of running additional spells. Mar 15, 2020 there has also been much discussion about whether to run research project or book of specters. Come discuss book of specters over in our dedicated book of. Then there was book of life special summon a zombie from the gy, book of the sun flip target facedown monster to face up attack, useful in exactly one deck. The postpocket follow up is a massive swing turn and is even more powerful when combined with card draw like stargazer lunaarcane intellectbook of specters. Hearthstone expansion book of specters by xnightangelx.
Hes been playing hearthstone since open beta and writing about it for a few years now. Here is the book of specters from hearthstone, again. Towards the end of the book, tosh appears more and more like a nutcase, than the reasonable and powerfull character you see after allying with him. Hand mage deck list guide rise of shadows hearthstone. Some excellent card draw for the mana cost and the downside is severely reduced in this deck as it runs so few spells. However, it can be okay to run in a slightly more spellfocused deck, so long as it isnt a combo deck.
Youll want to get your board full of murlocs as fast as possible by using book of specters and aluneth. The issue is that the latter fireball do got discarded but the former did not. In a techno thriller that launches the militarypolitical espionage spectre series, c. Things tagged with hearthstone 29 things hearthstone logo. The former provides incredible value by rewarding you with a second copy of each minion you draw into. Offmeta report june 27, 2018 hearthstone blizzard news. Hearthstone and heroes of the storm content and materials are trademarks and s of blizzard.
May 15, 2018 remember how good book of specters and archmage arugal looked. Oct 18, 2018 how to use the meta snapshot this tier list shows the best decks to play in ranked mode to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing the ladder. Click on the name of the archetype in each tier to expand more details about the deck. If your deck was 68 spells including 2 of these and 2224 nonspell cards youd almost always get at worst 2 cards for 2 mana.
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